India Singapore Mutual Agreement Procedure

India-Singapore Mutual Agreement Procedure: A Brief Overview

The India-Singapore Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) was signed on 24th June 1994 to avoid double taxation and promote economic cooperation between the two countries. The agreement covers taxes on income and capital gains. However, disputes may arise regarding the implementation of the agreement. To resolve such disputes, the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) was introduced.

What is the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP)?

The MAP is a procedure designed to address disputes related to the application or interpretation of tax treaties. It is a mechanism for resolving international tax disputes between two or more countries. The procedure is based on the principle of mutual agreement, which means that both the countries involved in the dispute need to agree to the solution.

The MAP is an important tool to provide relief to taxpayers who suffer from double taxation or taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the tax treaty. It is an alternative to litigation, which can be costly and time-consuming.

The India-Singapore MAP

The India-Singapore MAP is a bilateral procedure that enables taxpayers to resolve disputes related to the interpretation or application of the India-Singapore DTAA. Under the MAP, taxpayers can approach the Competent Authority of their respective countries to initiate the procedure.

The Competent Authority is the designated authority that is responsible for implementing the provisions of the DTAA. In India, the Competent Authority is the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), while in Singapore, it is the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).

The MAP process involves the following steps:

1. The taxpayer submits a request for MAP to the Competent Authority of his/her country.

2. The Competent Authority of the country receiving the request communicates with the Competent Authority of the other country to resolve the dispute.

3. The Competent Authorities may hold discussions or negotiations to resolve the dispute. They may also seek expert advice or arbitration to arrive at a solution.

4. Once a solution is agreed upon, the Competent Authorities will communicate the same to the taxpayer.

Benefits of the India-Singapore MAP

The India-Singapore MAP provides several benefits to taxpayers, such as:

1. Avoidance of double taxation: The MAP ensures that taxpayers are not subjected to double taxation or taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the DTAA.

2. Reduction of tax disputes: The MAP provides an alternative method to resolve tax disputes, thereby reducing the burden of litigation.

3. Faster resolution: The MAP process is faster than litigation, and taxpayers can expect a resolution within a year.


The India-Singapore Mutual Agreement Procedure is an important mechanism that provides relief to taxpayers who suffer from double taxation or taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the DTAA. The MAP provides an alternative to litigation, which can be costly and time-consuming. It is a faster and more efficient way to resolve tax disputes between India and Singapore.

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